How it all started...

In 2016 the leadership at Faith Community Church began to dream about what we could be doing to reach more people in this area for Jesus. A number of ideas surfaced, but the one that seemed to stand out was to start a new church in the community of Humboldt. We prayed about this for the next several months and could never get it out of our heart.

Planning for this new church, LifeGate Fellowship, began in early January 2017. We started with a few people who formed a nucleus of a prayer team and then began to add to that team. In September of 2017, LifeGate started monthly services in the Humboldt High School Auditorium. At the beginning of 2018, services moved to twice a month. In December of 2018, LifeGate moved to the Historic Hardy Church located at the Humboldt County Museum to begin weekly services on Saturday nights.

We have a genuine heart for the Humboldt community. We have a rock-solid commitment to preaching/teaching the Word of God and how it can be applied to our daily lives.

Pastor Dennis and Joan Niles have been in ministry for over four decades serving Jesus in Alaska, North Dakota, and here in Iowa. Through their ministry journey, they have served as pastors, church planters, and college leaders.  They bring a wealth of spiritual knowledge and insight to our area.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:30 am.